

In response

In response to current public health advice and Canadian Government direction for avoiding the possible spread of the COVID-19 virus, CRC Research has implemented policies to ensure the safety of our employees, clients and respondents.

As our facilities reopen, safety is a priority. Find our plan of action below.



Live streaming options

Enabling you and your clients to attend the research from the comfort of your home.


Local high-caliber moderators, for increased flexibility while travel restrictions are still in place

Highly-experienced local moderators in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal (bilingual).


Social distancing implemented in facility

Facility layouts have been rearranged to allow social distancing in waiting areas, focus group rooms and client viewing rooms.

A detailed Occupancy Plan will allow for an optimal number of respondents/clients in facility, to ensure social distancing can be maintained.


Protective shields at Reception

All reception desks will have a protective shield to enable safe ID Verification and incentive payment.



Facility staff and respondents will wear protective masks at all times

Respondents will be asked to bring their own mask, if available. If not, they will be provided a mask upon entry to the facility.


Stringent catering hygiene

No communal or open foods will be served at our facilities.

Only bottled water will be available.


Thorough sanitization of tables, chairs, pens/markers, before and between all sessions

Doorknobs into rooms and restrooms will be disinfected regularly throughout the day.


Additional precautions

Hand sanitizer readily available throughout all facilities.

Careful screening of respondents for any recent travel and/or sickness.



Our measures

All CRC facilities have been rearranged to accommodate 6 feet social distancing throughout, including in all interviewing rooms, client viewing rooms, reception area and major circulation paths.

We have also restricted occupancy to an optimal number for each room, to respect and maintain social distancing. All CRC facilities have been rearranged to accommodate 6 feet social distancing throughout, including in all interviewing rooms, client viewing rooms, reception area and major circulation paths. We have also restricted occupancy to an optimal number for each room, to respect and maintain social distancing.