Some things we get asked a lot.


What sort of market research projects will I be contacted for?

CRC works with companies all over the world who want to know what Canadian’s feel and think about their products and services. Every project is different! You could be contacted to:

• Participate in a taste test for a well-known product
• Test the latest video game
• Join a 1 or 2 hour discussion on a topic that’s relevant to you

Topics could be anything, including new transit lines, banking, travel, medical conditions, food/beverages, automobiles or services you would like the government to provide.


How much will I be paid?

CRC pop always pays participants! The honorarium depends on the scope of the research session, but here are some typical examples:

• Focus groups and one-on-one interviews — $50 to $100
• Taste tests — $25 to $50, depending on the length of the study
• Online studies — $5 to $50, depending on the length of the questionnaire


What time of day do focus groups happen?

We try to match the timing of focus groups to the type of people being interviewed. If we’re speaking to moms about school snacks, sessions will likely be during the day (during school hours). If we’re speaking to business travelers, interviews will likely be in the evening, after office hours.


Where do focus groups/taste tests take place?

Most focus groups and taste tests take place at a professional market research facility like those of CRC. These facilities are conveniently located in major centres across Canada.

Other projects, such as online focus groups, surveys, diaries, in-home product tests, or telephone interviews can be completed in your own home, at a time more convenient for you.


How often can I participate in market research studies?

There are strict industry standards about how often a person can participate in focus groups and one-on-one interviews. Generally, our clients ask us to exclude people who have participated in a study in the last six months, especially if it covers a similar topic. However, you can be called more frequently for taste tests and online surveys.


Can I participate if I am not a Canadian citizen?

Generally, our clients need to understand the feelings and perceptions of Canadians, so we are looking for individuals permanently residing in Canada. However, if you are a landed immigrant, temporary foreign worker, or other type of non-Canadian citizen living and working in Canada, your opinions are equally important! 


Can other members of my household join?

Yes, absolutely! We welcome participants in the same household who have unique email addresses. However, to ensure everyone is comfortable expressing a truly honest and open opinion, friends and family members are not permitted to participate in the same session, at the same time.


What if I don’t want to be contacted again?

Just tell us! We respect your wishes and privacy, and will immediately add you to our ‘Do Not Contact’ list.